E-Design and How It Works


Okay, if i’m being honest, this whole social distancing thing isn’t going so great. I miss my family and friends, and well I miss even random chats at the grocery store! I never thought I’d say that because I typically do not like chatting there and most of the time i’m a get in and get out kind of shopper. Basically trying desperately to not run in to someone I know (I’m likely not alone with this one). BUT now that things are different around here, it just makes me sad. Today I went to Shoppers to pick up a few items and there’s tape on the floors to keep people 6ft apart. What a strange time we are in… What I can say is that I am very appreciative of my health. Just the fact that I can get up every day and move. What an amazing thing! May our immune systems continue to have our back!

Now for the real reason i’m here. Do you have a space that needs a bit of updating but you aren’t sure where to start or how to tackle it? With all this social distancing what better time then to try E-Design. This service provides you with a professionally designed space that you can implement at your own pace. The best part - it’s budget friendly! Here’s how it works…


The Questionnaire

The first step is to fill out the E-Design questionnaire. You can find it here. This step is crucial! It provides us with important information about your space. It also gives us a bit of an idea of what your style is and what you are drawn to. Included in this questionnaire is a place for you to upload photos of your space. We recommend taking a picture from all four corners. We need to see the room from different angles. Along with these photos we require measurements. Accurate measurements! It’s best to start out drawing a birds eye view of your space. Then grab a partner and start measuring, making sure you are getting right into the corner. This may involve moving some things out of your way. Once you’ve submitted the questionnaire, we will be in contact with you to set up time to chat over the phone and discuss your project in more detail. Payment is then required before we start designing your space.

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The Moodboard

Moodboards are what give you, the client, that necessary visual. We use moodboards on all projects, not just for e-design. They are one of the most important steps in the design process. They allow the client to really see and understand the overall vision of the space that we are designing for them. Once we have completed your moodboard, you will receive an email from us saying that your design is ready to be viewed. Included in your design package is one round of revisions. Take this time to decide if there is anything you would like to change.

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The Floor Plan

Along with the moodboard, you’ll receive a floor plan that is exactly to scale. This means that you will have the confidence knowing that not only will your space look beautiful, but that each item you purchase with fit perfectly in your newly designed space. No more wasted dollars or time returning merchandise. These floor plans are clear, concise and easy to follow!

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Direct Shopping Links

Once you are completely satisfied with your e-design, you will be left with links to shop your items directly from your design account. Your new items are really just a click away! It’s that simple. Over here at LC + Co. we like to make things as uncomplicated and as enjoyable as possible. Click, shop and enjoy!

We look forward to helping you with your next design adventure. Click here to get started!

Not sure if this service is right for you? Hit us up here and we can chat!

XO Charlee