Dream Home: Cottage on Cabot


Welcome to a new series called - Dream Home! I’ll be featuring the homes that basically stop me in my tracks. The ones that I instantly fall in love with and want to call my own. For me, these beautiful homes spark inspiration and creativity. I hope you enjoy this series as much as I enjoy sharing it with you!


Charming Cottage

First up, this gorgeous cottage designed by Pineapples Design Group. With summer just around the corner, this home is giving me all the feels. I’ve always been a sucker for a white house with light blue shutters and this one is no exception. It’s warm and welcoming. I can just imagine myself sitting on the front porch enjoying a morning coffee or a glass of rose in the evening. Ahhh! But I think what really tugs at me with this home is the coastal southern vibes. Have you ever travelled to the south before? My husband and I went to Charleston, South Carolina for our honeymoon and this home screams southern charm. Ever since we travelled to the south I have been wanting to go back. The history, the architecture, the Spanish moss trees… the list goes on. If you haven’t been, I highly recommend you go! For now, i’ll just be living my best southern self through these stunning photographs. Enjoy!


Hope you enjoyed the first episode of Dream Home and that it sparked a bit of inspiration and creativity for yourself as well!

Xo Charlee